26.08.2015  Discrete Geometry in September

13.01.2015  Discrete Geometry workshop

14.09.2012  A course in measure partitions


26.08.2015   The upcoming workshop on 6-11 of September is now called The Fifth German-Russian Week of the Young Researcher on Discrete Geometry.

13.01.2015   A workshop in Discrete Geometry will be held in September 2015 at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

14.09.2012   The English version of my website seems dead, but it is not so. The list of publications is constantly updated and there is one more announcement: I have put the notes of my course about partitions of measures here.

03.07.2009   The English version now has its list of publications and translated design.

20.06.2009   The site began its life. Now the English version has no design, and has only the About page. The List of publications is available in Russian only.

┬й 2009 Roman Karasev